One of the Most important posts in a travel blog is the one that tells people you made it home safely. Well, blogger managed to delete that post before it was posted so I apologise.
I have been home a week now. Since Casablanca I flew to London where I had just over 24 hours and managed to shop and see the Globe theatre, a reconstruction of the theatre (a very accurate one too, a maginificent job) which stood 200metres away where Shakespeare and his ilk put on plays in London a few hundred years back now.
Then at 22.00 hours on November 27th I left London to return home and complete my trip. Just after 8am on the 29th that journey was completed and here I am now. Obviously I need to post more photos, but that's how the journey came to its conclusion. I slept a bit on the flights home but not a lot. So a week later I am stioll feeling the effects of jetlag.
take care y'all.......