Saturday, February 08, 2014

Expanding Horizons...

Hello all.
Well, last night I stayed up awfully late working on the latest book that I published. The SECOND Edition of my Dhaka to Dakar: Book 1 - Through Asia.

I've been working on it for a while now, and investigating other platforms to publish with other than Kindle/Amazon.
I have decided to try Payhip. It's a platform that will require myself to push the book, to put it out there (one reason I started twitter), and one that gives me a greater percentage of each sale. Not only that, I get paid directly to paypal. Getting paid with Amazon, sadly, has been an excruciatingly difficult and painful process. It has involved back and forths via email, and it's hard to know exactly what you earnings are. Anyway, an upcoming blog on the pros and cons of epublishing with Amazon is coming.
Today, the second edition is out and available for purchase of

'Dhaka to Dakar: Book One - Through Asia'.  (click HERE)

There are dozens more photos, it's been substantially neatened up, I've added a route map and there's a new introduction and after thought. The BEST thing is now it is available as a PDF. So you no longer need a Kindle or Kindle-enabled device to read the book. It's also $1.69, which for a 180+ page book is a damned good deal. What follows is dome information on the book including the introduction, cover and route. :)

Here's the new cover:
And if you're wondering, this is the route that the journey took:

Introduction from the book:

In 2011, I released the first edition of this book on Kindle. Two and a half years have passed, and it was time to re-release the three volumes of my Dhaka to Dakar adventure that spanned three trips, four years and more than twenty countries. More photos, a little more information as well.
In early 2004 I set out to go from Dhaka to Dakar, mostly by land. Spoilers – I didn’t make it. Not in 2004. In 2006 I set out to complete the journey, only to be struck down by malaria and return home with the last two countries on the list unvisited. 2007, I made it finally to Dakar.
Life is about setting goals and realising them. At least according to some people! Getting to Dakar was a goal I set myself. It took much longer than I hoped, but in the end I got there. On the way I saw some special places and met some special people. The sum total of someone’s life may well come down to their experiences, if you aren’t one of the few who leaves a mark on history.
Marco Polo adventure up and down the silk road, my route was far more southerly to Europe, my impact and legacy incredibly insignificant in comparison. However, I wanted some sort of record of my adventures, the highs and the lows, and so that record sits in Ebook form.

If you want to know about my experiences, my story, what impacted me, or if you’re considering a sort of adventure that I did, then maybe this book is for you. 

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