Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bahir Dar back to Addis Ababa

Hey there folks
Well I'm in Addis Ababa again, and in less than 24 hours I will be on a flight home to sunny Melbourne!
In the last few days I travelled from Gondar to Bahir Dar, a warmish town on the shores of the rather large lake Tana. I visited the Blue Nile Falls from there, which were gushing at quite a rate. Sometimes they are pretty weak thanks to a hydro plant there, but for us they were certainly magnificant. Unfortunately no photos as yet.
The next day I took a boat on Lake Tana to the Zege Peninsula which is heavily forested - a bit of a jungle. We saw some monkies swinging in the trees and also visited a monastary after passing more souvineer stands than one could poke a stick at.
Yesterday I took a 5.30am bus to Addis Ababa from Bahir Dar which was pretty comfortable and arrived at around 3.30pm. When I get back to Melbourne I will write more - I want to write about this amazing country in general, and of course post many pictures!
Au Revoir until then!

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