Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shameless plug!

Hi folks!
Whilst I have a second to sit down and think... (always nice) people may or may not recall that I have an ebook available through kindle.
It details my journey from Dhaka in Bangladesh to Dakar in Senegal - much of which was before I started blogging. I cut the book into three volumes as it was HUGE - Asia, Europe and Africa. However after getting the first book ready to go (Journey through Asia) I realised that it might be better to chop it up into chapters as well.
Thus I put out the second and third books out as single chapters (one per country with a couple of exceptions) and then later released them as whole volumes as well. I never had the chance until last week to do release the first book in chapters. Now, I have done so! If it interests you - I think the Iran, India and Pakistan chapters are very interesting! - maybe you'd like to take a read. Here are the links:

Chapter One: Malaysia and Singapore
Chapter One at Amazon

Chapter Two: Bangladesh
Chapter Two: Bangladesh (at Amazon)

Chapter Three: India
Chapter 3: India (at Amazon)

Chapter Four: Pakistan
Chapter 4: Pakistan (at Amazon)

Chapter Five: Iran
Chapter 5: Iran (at Amazon)

Chapter Six: Turkey
Chapter 6: Turkey (at Amazon)

And of course, the whole first volume is also available:
Dhaka to Dakar: Volume One: Journey Through Asia

OK - sorry for the shameless plugs, normal service will be resumed soon....

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