Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thanks for all the fish Blogger

Folks, I love blogger. It's a great, easy to use platform, so many great blogs around, but the time has sadly come to fully move my blog over to Wordpress. It takes longer than I thought to post everything twice, and so from now on I will only be blogging on Wordpress - aiming for 5 posts a week. You can subscribe by RSS, Email or through Wordpress, so there's three ways to make sure you don't miss a post!

Here is the World Journeys home - 


 And here are some of the latest blog posts you may have missed -

 A Day in Hakone 

Sunday Spotlight - York  

Japan Survival Guide Part Five - The Classroom

My Travel Bucket List 

Please do continue to follow me at my new home!
May the journey never end!

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