Monday, March 31, 2014


Hey folks. It's been a lovely day. I am whiling away the hours editing the latest Short Journeys here at the Shibuya City Lounge in the Loft building, which is just perfect! It's got the perfect sort of space for working with a drink and good service! Very nice. Shibuya is the funky 'in' part of Tokyo, or if it isn't that's because I'm too old and mouldy to know what's what. Here are some pics I took when the sun was shining. Next blog on Wednesday!

Meanwhile, there's my ebook - Short Journeys: Japan

You can still find a small Ramen shop in amongst Shibuya, hiding not far from a big hot dog!


Anonymous said...

that hotdog is pretty WoRnG.

Anonymous said...

that hotdog is pretty WoRnG.