Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Vilnius, Lithuania (1)

I have given up trying to think of witty titles for now. I have had a long day filming with Siggi, my friend from Germany. It's been successful though, and the weather was quite nice. cold but plenty of blue sky.
Three large crosses live atop one of the two hills at one end of the Old Town, and they are quite magnificent. There is an old castle on the other hill, offering a good view of the Old Town and the main part of Vilnius.
I flew across on a Fokker 50, a very small passenger plane which has propellers. It was a smooth flight though, and got me safely to this town (very small for a capital) which is very nice all said. Unfortunately I had some ice cream last night which made me very sick, and I am still recovering.

I don't have much else to report, expect that i climbed both aforementioned hills today in the filming efforts. I am also enjoying how much cheaper Lithuania is compared to Sweden. More soon I presume.
Such as I took a boat trip for my final day in Stockholm around the harbour, it went over the spot the Vasa sank. Thankfully there was no repeat performance. Then I checked out the city museum which didnt have a lot on display at the moment, but was free and very interesting.

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